Sunday, September 4, 2011

N3rd Nation 2.0 and the tail of a Missing N3ro

Here we go!
Sorry Ive been in Hermitude due to some issues with a former Intern plue Nerd Nation Industries got a contract with a local Corporation for IT Technical Support. Yea thats right were in the big leagues!. Nerd Nation has changed for the better in more ways than one we are currently looking for Moderators and Administrators for the new Nerd Nation. Dan Harley AKA Mr. Technology has stepped in to Nerd Nation and were glad to welcome him to the family. On top of this the New Nerd nation will be monetized and be cranking out money that will go straight back to the site for better production and futurization.
Missing N3ro?
So I was in Hermitude fixing things and working for our new client on top of this we have 2 new Nerd Nation Mascots which you will see when the site launches.

On a Further Note Morgan James Gavin Nick Millar died May 23rd 2006 that last name hasnt been connected to a Nick in 6 years you lose again